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Bring the Media to your life

Here are all shortcodes to manage your media. Simply insert your media from Vimeo or Youtube and let your web site do the rest, easily and quickly.

Vimeo Full width video

Vimeo half width video

Vimeo half width video

Vimeo Full width video

Vimeo half width video

Vimeo half width video

Features and Customizations

  • Vimeo and Youtube Videos only need video ID, width/height is adjustable
  • Set your prefer width, Use it with column shortcodes.
  • You can combine video with other shortcodes for impressive results.
  • All media elements are fully responsive.

How to use the Media

[youtube id="KePe8p46jyE" width="1200" height="674"]

[vimeo id="44633289" width="1200" height="674"]
#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #f_syc9 #eef77 #020614063440